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Walk this way...

Helen and Rhian

Updated: Jan 23, 2021

And so we find ourselves at New Year's Eve. When we were teenagers this would mean getting to the Prince of Wales by 6 pm in order to get a seat at a table. A night of drunken excess would follow, often with a fight thrown in (Nick, the most peace-loving of people, was punched in the face by some drunken Neanderthal, ruining his new pale blue and white igloo t-shirt from his Auntie Meryl in Canada with copious amounts of blood, because he was standing outside talking to said Neanderthal's girlfriend - Happy New Year, eh?) and the music was provided by the best jukebox in the world. White Punks on Dope would be followed by Alternative Ulster as pints and half pints were drunk (half a lager was 33p). Old Lang Syne would be sung and then some drunken snogging followed by a three mile walk home. These days I'm lucky if I make it to 12 from the comfort of my sofa.

New Year's Day will see most of us setting a resolution. I'm on record as having kept my resolutions on one year when I set positive ones. I think its much better to set yourself something constructive to do, rather than give something up, and this year, of all years, I think we have already given up enough. Sometimes it is hard to think of something and with the restrictions of Tiers, it is even harder.

This year has been a really tough one for everyone. We started to write the 2womenwalking blogs to entertain ourselves and we have been overwhelmed with the friendship and encouragement you have given us. It has been overwhelming and has made our year a lot easier than it would have been otherwise. So, as a thank you to everyone, 2womenwalking are offering you a hand crafted resolution: walk with us.

'How can this happen?', I can hear you all cry. Simple. With the miracle of the internet and social media you can walk the Wales Coastal Path virtually and it will cost you nothing.

Let us know that you are interested on the 2womenwalking webpage (there is a link at the top of the homepage) and measure how far you walk each day. Once a week, post your totals and we will let you know how far you have walked round Wales. You might even see relevant pictures of the places you have virtually passed and we can share some daft stories. It's 870 miles, which seems an insane amount but this works out at 2.4 miles a day and frankly I do about that much looking for the TV remote and my keys. This is all doable and remember that we are not good at this so the competition side of this is low to the point of non existence. You can do it as a formal walk, or just log what you do round the house and garden. If you are using a wheelchair, count those miles. This is all about everyone winning. Every mile walked is to be celebrated.

Choosing to start walking the Coastal Path was the best thing I have ever done for my mental and physical wellbeing. I'm bloody frustrated that I cant walk it for real, but never mind, virtual is just as good and this year we can all walk together which will make it extra special.

Make 2021 the year you walk with 2womenwalking

Sign up on the 2womenwalking Facebook page.

Just click here to get to the page and post that you are in. 2womenwalking - Home | Facebook. If you don't do Facebook, post in the comments on this blog post.

As puffins have become symbolic of our walking in so many ways, those participants achieving the full 870 miles will receive a special award to mark your achievement! Watch this space!

You have to be in it to win it!



Steph Bees
Steph Bees
Jan 01, 2021

I think it’s a great idea and I’m definitely in. A great incentive too as I’ll be puffin’ my way towards the goal no doubt!


Dec 31, 2020

What an excellent idea! I just treated myself to my first tracker watch, and although it's still in the package, I will get it out tomorrow and start. Montara miles transferable to the Wales Coastal Path, yessss. Thanks to both of you for the virtual fun of joining you on the walks over the past n months. A happy new year to you, and I'll "see" you on the trail. Shauna XX


Dec 31, 2020

Fabulous idea! I’m in, although I’m currently recovering from foot surgery and hobbling around on crutches but will join in when I’m more mobile.

Happy New Year lovely ladies xxx


About us

Rhian and Helen are two middle aged women who have known each other since the Mid Cambrian Period. They spend their holidays walking the Welsh Coastal Path and amazingly they are still on speaking terms



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